Tuesday, April 27, 2010

So I've been wondering the past couple of months about what the fate of this blog will be now that I have a somewhat regular vlog (http://www.youtube.com/user/fbspencer) going on over at youtube...

I've come to the conclusion I'm going to go ahead and keep this sucker running... Because it turns out I'll be traveling to Tunisia over this summer break for a study abroad session... What does this mean as for the future of this blog?? Well... Around the world the internet quality can go from U.S. speeds to downright awful... SO! In the interest of being able to share my travels with y'all from anywhere in the world, I am going to keep this blog going as a backup to when I can't upload pictures and videos...

What this means is that whenever I'm here in the states, not a whole lot will be going on here... But when I'm places overseas with internet that is pretty bad... You'll be getting blog updates instead!! :D

I hope y'all keep following this site / journal of mine... I really appreciate y'all who actually read this...
I hope all is well, God bless all of you guys!!
Neal Spencer