Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Gift of Life...

There are very Very VERY few things in life I feel like I am spontaneous about. But tonight I feel the need to put this up somewhere...

Today I learnt the news that my incredible friend of many many years Aaron Westmoreland and his wife are having their first child later today.... Over the past few months with the proposals and engagements that have been going on around me, and the prospect of a few of my buddies being shipped off to their future jobs in the military, it has donned on me... We're growing up... And while the adventurer in me can barely contain my excitement... I find myself freaking out tonight. Why I ask myself... Well, Aaron and I have known each other for a long time, since Middle School. And when I think of those days I think of the two scrawny kids who would spend their time playing video games and talking star wars non-stop causing a general ruckus around the Woodlands. And 11 or so years later, here I sit writing this on the day that Aaron will be welcoming his son... I'll let that sink in for a bit... into this world that we live in. I'm not there with them, I'm actually writing this from a friend's house in Edmonton, Canada.... But I can't go to sleep... We will be welcoming a new life into the world today, and one that is of a family close to me. I can't go to sleep because I'm excited for him... Hopeful for him.... Worried and all of these crazy feelings I would only expect from the birth of my own son. But so many things come out of the birth of a child, so many new responsibilities, but so many awesome times and memories to be had. I find myself envious of my friend. Of the family he is soon to have... Of the son he will soon have to raise and take care of. That being said, what an incredible responsibility. But knowing Aaron like I have, and seeing him stand up for me on multiple occasions where the odds were stacked against us... I can't think of someone who is more ready to accept this unconditional love that God has tasked us fathers and fathers to be with. Noah is lucky to have a father like he has, and I have full confidence that Aaron is gonna rock.

Aaron buddy... I hope for the best for you and your family... To think that you'll be a father here pretty soon is incredible to say the least... It has been an honor to be your friend all these years and I only hope that with the birth of your son that we all enter another exciting chapter of our lives.... To God be the glory, and may he welcome Noah into this world with great things planned for him and you soon to be parents... I love you man, and I'm here for you every step of the way...

Dieu Defend Le Droit, and he will continue to do so today with the birth of your son. I'm so proud.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Day 3 (2/14/2011) & 5 (2/16/2011)

Good evening ladies and gents!!

How is everyone doing? I apologize for being away for a bit... I had a couple of extremely crazy weeks back there and well... Now I'm done. Well kinda...

After Wednesday my Spring Break officially starts and I'll hit y'all with 2 more vlogs and inshallah a video each day of Spring Break....

I love y'all!!!

DAY 3: (Will be most likely be boring... This is for my own posterity... so I can remember everything that is... awesome? about Guardroom... haha)

Day 5:

Stay safe... And in case I don't write anything in the meantime... Have great Spring Breaks!!!