Saturday, December 17, 2011

His Calling for Me

"For this reason I bow my knees before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named, that according to the riches of his glory he may grant you to be strengthened with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith—that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God."

-Ephesians 3:14-19

It's amazing how much someone can change in a semester. God has really been moving in my life since the beginning of summer '11. Seeing two of my brothers in Christ get married to two Godly women has changed the focus of my life.

Suddenly, I have been awoken to the fact that the time is fast approaching where I will have to be the leader God has called me to be in a family of my own.
So long are the days of playing xbox for 5-6 hours straight...
So long are the days of spending money on frivolous things...
So long are the days of going to class and staring at all the pretty ladies, wondering if they're the one who will satisfy the void of a "serious" relationship in my life...
So long are the days of my changing who I was to fit in with a certain crowd or to make someone like me more.
So long are the days where I sacrifice time with God for earthly pleasures.

God has called us men to be the leaders of so many different areas of this world He has made for us. The sad thing is, I feel like I've only come to really truly come to realize this the past semester. What I knew previous to this semester was that to properly and efficiently lead anything, it was important that the leader lead by example. How could I be the leader God is calling me to be if I made conscious decisions to put sports, gaming, school, before His word. Ephesians 5:8 says "For at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light"
God has called us out of the darkness of our old lives, to be something new, something that glorifies Him and shines like the "stars in the universe" (Phil. 2:15).

He has called us to be His.

All this growing up has led me to look at the things in my life that I have not been proud of, the sin in my life that has grabbed me by the ankle and refused to let go. In the midst of all of this, God has shown me the answer to all of life's problems. John 3:16 tells us, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life."

My sin was laid upon the pure and unblemished body of Christ, who took it to the grave. But my sin, the sin of those around me, the sin of all mankind couldn't keep Him down, and He rose again.

It was a complete understanding of His son's sacrifice that has led me to where I am today. It's seeing God move in my life, and provide for my every worry I bring to Him through prayer that helps me realize He is the way.

God's love has changed me....

And I, Neal Spencer, the guy who had to have the next 20 years of his life planned, had it all flipped upside down in less than 6 months, grew up, and found what really mattered in life. God's grace.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Following His Way....


Today (after about 24 hours of rendering and uploading) I have finally started to vlog again.... It's kinda been a little while... But that being said, I have forgotten how much fun it is to do it. Firstly, just talking about stuff you love and are excited about is great, secondly, editing the videos is always a ton of fun, and finally, just being able to go back and watch what you felt passionate about a few months ago is always a rewarding experience... :D


That being said, here it is... The first of hopefully many. This summer has really helped me reconnect with the good Lord, and so I figured I'd celebrate by renaming my vlog to "Following The Way" as that is what I've been striving to do over the past few weeks...

I hope all is well y'all!!! I have been enjoying my life these past few weeks, and from what I've been reading on facebook / other blogs, it seems like many of y'all are too!!! God is good!!! :D

Take care you guys, God bless!!!!

I forgot to mention... Due to my inexperience w/ the camera... Basically the entire thing is shot somewhat outta focus... haha... Yep.. I'm a camera noob...

*double edit*
I decided yesterday, that if I can find my Haiti photos / videos... I'm gonna finish them off... I kinda left my vlog about my trip there hanging about half way... That's doing God a disservice considering how He moved us in amazing ways while we were there...

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Philippians 4:6

Howdy there,

So it's been ages since I've last vlogged / blogged... I apologize for that. Life has been pretty hectic and a LOT has been going on these past few months. Stuff like work, finishing the Corps, and a wedding that has changed my life. But waking up at 3 in the morning due to jet lag gives you a little more time to spend writing things like these... So get comfortable, this one is gonna be a long one... Let me give a quick low-down as to where I've been the past few months...

I'm done with the Corps!! Me and these goofy guys and gal made it through the entire four years of it! Words cannot explain how awesome God is to give me the chance to know this group. I've learned so much these past four years, and I'd honestly say I've learned more from my buddies than from any college class, not to mention I found God thanks to a few of them. I'll miss them, living down the same hallway from them, and from the fellowship I gained in their presence, God bless you guys, all my success in college and the Corps was due to you guys...

Sometimes I wonder how we survived it all... Haha

(Late May-June)
I took off for Doha, Qatar to start my summer internship with the Security guys at Qatargas again. God really provided me with an amazing chance to get some work experience here. My two bosses are absolutely amazing guys, both ex-Canadian military guys, they create a work environment that I can learn in and have a ton of fun at the same time. I've been blessed in that fact as the other interns tend to struggle to find stuff to do during their time here... Anyways... They have me working on classifying the company's information into different categories of importance... It's pretty neat stuff!!

(July 8th - 9th)
Here is the kicker... The thing that has made this summer so amazing so far, and the experience that has really made this summer a real game changer in my life. I took a week off from my internship to head back home (The real home... Not my home away from home... :D ) for my buddy James Sebesta's wedding. A little background, he and his wife had been dating for years, throughout our time at Texas A&M, the Corps, and everything in between. She went to Oklahoma State, he goes to Texas A&M. Some of my favorite memories of the past four years are the long road trips around the state (football games, buddy trips, OCS pickups) with him talking about sports, the military, and most importantly, God. But the funny thing about all of these experiences is that they were always punctuated by calls to and from Sarah... He always made time for her, even when the buddies were around (and though we'd give him trouble for it, it's just a testimony to the bond they share.) So needless to say, with marriages the way they are these days, (ESPECIALLY among young adults my age) I was excited about this one. James was the reason I started going to church again, and through our bible study that he and Luke started, really start to pursue God like I should, and I was excited to see what a relationship founded on His word would look like.

So enter July 8th. The day before the wedding itself was spent rehearsing for the big event (Not to mention we practiced eating delicious food at the rehearsal dinner... I was particularly good at this part I felt...) I got to meet all of the bides mates and groomsmen responsible for supporting James and Sarah through this special day, and let me just say that it really was amazing for two reasons. James and Sarah really surround themselves with amazing people... Everyone there was so special for one reason or another, and getting to know the people I hadn't met yet (basically everyone not in the Corps or a sibling of James') was such a blessing. There were future teachers, soldiers (and Marines... There's a difference!! :D ), museum curators, financiers, nurses, engineers, musicians, missionaries, and great GREAT followers of Christ. It's so refreshing to see others my age ruthlessly pursuing God and His word. The fellowship and company I enjoyed there lifted my soul like very few things have in a good while. After an amazing dinner, all of the gents went back to James' house, where we proceeded to cram as many of us into a Jacuzzi (to the point where when we got out there was about a foot of water left in the poor thing) which we said we weren't going to talk about, but James' sister saw us and the gig was up! The night was filled with a varying caliber of conversation, but we had our share of deep conversations including one I had with Luke that really has changed my outlook on my future. I'll vlog more about that later... For the meantime I have to stay on track. We all finally hit the hay soon after vacating the pool area, excited about the next day.

A GREAT group of guys....

July 9th... The big day...
I don't think I've been so nervous in such a long time... And I wasn't even the one getting married... I have never been to a wedding before... So needless to say, other than the rehearsal I had no idea what I was doing or what it would be like... I just kept telling myself to keep from locking out my knees.... :D That being said, the wedding went without a hitch, and the reception afterwards was incredible. I've never had so much fun dancing or just socializing in general... It was a great wedding, and I'm still bummed that celebrations like that can't happen more often. God moved those two nights and days, and it was an honor to experience it like I had a chance to...

And now I'm here in Qatar again!!! two hours later it's time for me to get up for work... I didn't even get a chance to talk about the Bible verse I chose for today... Or my weekly goal for that matter.... I'll do my best to shoot of a vlog here pretty soon with the new camera.... I'm gonna go ahead and promise to get one off before this week is done... In the meantime God bless, and I hope all is well in your lives... God saves, and is eternally great!!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Gift of Life...

There are very Very VERY few things in life I feel like I am spontaneous about. But tonight I feel the need to put this up somewhere...

Today I learnt the news that my incredible friend of many many years Aaron Westmoreland and his wife are having their first child later today.... Over the past few months with the proposals and engagements that have been going on around me, and the prospect of a few of my buddies being shipped off to their future jobs in the military, it has donned on me... We're growing up... And while the adventurer in me can barely contain my excitement... I find myself freaking out tonight. Why I ask myself... Well, Aaron and I have known each other for a long time, since Middle School. And when I think of those days I think of the two scrawny kids who would spend their time playing video games and talking star wars non-stop causing a general ruckus around the Woodlands. And 11 or so years later, here I sit writing this on the day that Aaron will be welcoming his son... I'll let that sink in for a bit... into this world that we live in. I'm not there with them, I'm actually writing this from a friend's house in Edmonton, Canada.... But I can't go to sleep... We will be welcoming a new life into the world today, and one that is of a family close to me. I can't go to sleep because I'm excited for him... Hopeful for him.... Worried and all of these crazy feelings I would only expect from the birth of my own son. But so many things come out of the birth of a child, so many new responsibilities, but so many awesome times and memories to be had. I find myself envious of my friend. Of the family he is soon to have... Of the son he will soon have to raise and take care of. That being said, what an incredible responsibility. But knowing Aaron like I have, and seeing him stand up for me on multiple occasions where the odds were stacked against us... I can't think of someone who is more ready to accept this unconditional love that God has tasked us fathers and fathers to be with. Noah is lucky to have a father like he has, and I have full confidence that Aaron is gonna rock.

Aaron buddy... I hope for the best for you and your family... To think that you'll be a father here pretty soon is incredible to say the least... It has been an honor to be your friend all these years and I only hope that with the birth of your son that we all enter another exciting chapter of our lives.... To God be the glory, and may he welcome Noah into this world with great things planned for him and you soon to be parents... I love you man, and I'm here for you every step of the way...

Dieu Defend Le Droit, and he will continue to do so today with the birth of your son. I'm so proud.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Day 3 (2/14/2011) & 5 (2/16/2011)

Good evening ladies and gents!!

How is everyone doing? I apologize for being away for a bit... I had a couple of extremely crazy weeks back there and well... Now I'm done. Well kinda...

After Wednesday my Spring Break officially starts and I'll hit y'all with 2 more vlogs and inshallah a video each day of Spring Break....

I love y'all!!!

DAY 3: (Will be most likely be boring... This is for my own posterity... so I can remember everything that is... awesome? about Guardroom... haha)

Day 5:

Stay safe... And in case I don't write anything in the meantime... Have great Spring Breaks!!!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 2 (2/15/2011) : NOT Death By Vlog???

Howdy ladies and gentlemen,

So, as it turns out, I had an exam yesterday and a relatively big paper due today so I was unable to do my vlog for Sunday...

This being said, to make up for said travesty (missing the second day of my daily vlog... *sigh*) I finished a video I have been working on since break during my study breaks... It was an idea I had over break that never really came to fruition, (My brother and I were hanging out with friends too much) but I figured I'd put this one up in case I wanted to continue with the idea!!

Enjoy! And yesterday's vlog will be up tonight!!!

Take care! God Bless!!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Day 1 of my Daily Vlog

So ladies and gents... I have decided to start "Death By Vlog" or a daily vlog entry yesterday, and the vid from yesterday is up today! And if you're still following me after that very complicated explanation... I will be uploading a short (and in some cases long) vlog entry a day, unless something prohibits me from doing otherwise...

So without further ado... Here it is... Day one of my "Death By Vlog" project.

Enjoy!!! God Bless!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

1 Corinthians 15:55

"O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?"

I have been blessed, with a life that has been free of the deaths of close ones. The loss of my grandfather hit me hard, but prior to his passing, he was involved in a long fight against Alzheimer's disease. My family and I were slowly eased into the reality of the possibility of his passing, and when it finally happened, I was able to cope with his loss. During school, none of my close friends were involved in any serious car accidents, or any of the things that would plague the average American High School, and for this I am blessed... Truly blessed.

Today, I lost a great friend, a brother, and one of the most God fearing and loving people I have ever had the privilege to meet to a car accident. Never before has someone close to me been ripped from my life in such a manner, and it's a feeling unlike any I've experienced before.

My mind has just been racing backwards, hitting upon all the fun, tough, and rewarding experiences we've had together. The many trips to CO meetings with Col. Smith and others, the midnight yells where he and I would have to chaperon our juniors, the crush party he told me I had to join him at so that we may pick up dates to a Midnight yell, and finally the Star Wars marathon we were going to watch.

You start to think of all the things that you didn't do with the person that if given a second chance you would. Like the time I was walking back from my car to the dorm and he asked if I was open to start our SW marathon and I turned him down because I had to study for an exam. Times like these where you really want to hate yourself for saying no, but in reality realize the circumstances of the past.

But it wasn't simply just having the same job in the Corps of Cadets, or putting up with the troubles that came along with it that really makes this experience so tough. Taylor was unlike so many people I've known (good and bad), who profess to be strong in their faith. He openly professed his love for God, and lived his life accordingly. In the past few minutes, I have struggled to think of an instance of sin or unhappiness. Sure, we'd sit around and complain about the various trials and tribulations associated with our position in the Corps of Cadets or about other little things, but never, not once, did I hear him honestly profess unhappiness with someone / something going on in his life. Taylor would always be smiling, enjoying what life served him, and would make the best of it all, just like the good book always tells us to. For that, I admired him, and in many ways, wanted to be like him.

And lastly, if there was anything else Taylor taught me, it was that it doesn't matter what others thought of you as long as you were just being yourself. It's a fact of life that many people (myself included at times) feel the need to avoid talking about something, or acting a certain way just to fit in with the crowd. I can't think of a more honest person I've known than Taylor was. He was the kind of guy who would stand up for the weirdness in someone, or even better yet, take part in it. I always admired his creativity and ability to feel cool with himself in any situation.

While the saying "only the good die young" isn't entirely true all the time, I can't think of an instance where it doesn't apply more truthfully than the death of my friend. Taylor was the most genuine person I knew, and while earth and this life lost one of it's happiest, God has chosen to bless His faithful subjects in Heaven with the company of this great individual. I look forward to the day I will see Taylor again, he has been a great inspiration to us all, and has been a great force of positive change in my life. His passing will leave a void, but I'm sure he'd be happy to know that those he has touched will fight to fill it with the goodness he has brought out in all of us, and the memories of the fun times we've all shared with him.

He will be missed, and I will miss the positivity he always brought to me when times got hard. Heaven shines brighter with his presence.

Rest in Peace Taylor Gillespie.