Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Music, Church, and Recent Realizations

Howdy all...

I figure that it's been long enough since I wrote anything here... So I'll be combining a whole bunch of things I've been thinking about lately into one big entry. As the title kinda eludes to.... I'll be covering a mix of just random thoughts and recent activities I've had the chance to partake in.

Alright, I'll begin today's entry with a reference to a song that is completely amazing for all the wrong reasons... And I mean the kind of amazing that makes you cringe... Kesha's "Tik Tok", yyeeeeeaaaahhhh... Well, so I'm driving around College Station running errands listening to the radio when this song comes on. Let's just say it took me about 10 seconds of listening to those lyrics before I decided I NEEDED (yea... that's in all caps. The rate at which I was becoming more and more stupid simply listening to that song was enough to urgently push me to turn it off) to shut off my radio... The other one that ticks me off more than anything else is Asher Roth's "I Love College". I mean, seriously??? Just listen to the lyrics of that song, I was completely unaware that the point of college was to drink, get high, and make women take their clothes off. Don't get me wrong, I love the ladies, but dang... Going to college is supposed to mature you as a person, not make you less so. Now ladies and gents don't get me wrong again... I'm all for having a good time, ESPECIALLY now in college, before the real world comes along, but getting crazy drunk, high, and getting with every member of the opposite sex at a party is just ridiculous... But who knows... Maybe that's just me...

Anyways... We'll move on. From a personal "Journal" standpoint, I finally became an official member at Living Hope Church on Friday, and went to my first Hope Group on Monday. If there is something that I'm looking forward to the most about being a part of the church, it's the Hope Groups. The group of people that were there were so much fun to hang out with. We had a potluck, prayed for a bit, and wrapped gifts for those who aren't as lucky as we are. All and all, I had a major blast, and it's an AWESOME retreat from the Corps lifestyle for a bit.

So right now in Political Science, we're talking about the Cold War, and the whole East vs. West thing. I was doing my required reading (for once) and it kind of tied in with a Star Wars (Yep... I'm a MAJOR Star Wars nerd, and proud of it yo!!) book where one of the main characters, Luke Skywalker was sitting around thinking about how it was hard to draw lines between good and bad, black and white, dark and light. Well, it got me thinking about how much this world has changed on a global scale politics wise as well. I sat around thinking about my grandparent's time, where the bad guys were the fascist Germans and imperialist Japanese, and my parent's time where it was the USSR vs. the West, Communist vs. free world. Sometimes I wonder if life was really that simple, that cut and dry back then. I dunno, occasionally I find myself completely overwhelmed with what goes on around this wonderful world of ours and wishing that I could just jump back a generation or two, where life (at least to me and modern day standards) seemed to be somewhat less chaotic. Guys went from high school, did the military thing, got out and got themselves a respectable job, raised a good family, etc. etc....
Politics was good vs. evil, and none of this terrorism stuff where the enemy could be a major in the U.S. Army....

Maybe I'm just prematurely looking forward to the day I retire, set my family up on a ranch somewhere in Texas, or maybe Idaho, where all I need to worry about is groceries every once and a while, and taking care of my horses... Haha!!! Boy do I look forward to that day.

Anyways, I hope y'all are all living the good life, thanks once again for taking the time to read this new post, and leave a comment below if you care to with your name!!! I'll write another one of these next week save some incredible event that demands my writing about it sooner!!

---Dieu Defend Le Droit

1 comment:

Brenden Westerfeldt said...

I LOVE STAR WARS TOO!! That was a great analogy and I completely agree (once again) with everything you've said. I've told people a million times that I wish I could go back in time a ways to when electronics weren't running the world and things were more black and white. You and I think soo much alike!!