Monday, November 9, 2009

My "howdy" 's, Fort Hood and the face of religion.

First of all... Welcome y'all to my new blog... Over the past few weeks or so, a lot has been happening in both the general world / my little world (ie. my life) and I dunno... I've always been the kind of guy who likes to share my experiences and viewpoints with others, and for those of y'all who I haven't talked your ears off doing so yet, count yourself amongst the lucky ones I suppose... :D
Anyways, I wanted to write my outlook on something about the recent Fort Hood shootings that has bothered me, (one of the many things that is) on my facebook status... After writing what I wanted to, I chose to update my status, where I was politely reminded by facebook that my status was too long. So somewhat disgruntled, I moved over to the "Notes" section, thinking I'd write something there. After writing a line or two, I realized that there wasn't a real good way to make a general announcement to everyone I had completed it. This bothered me because I'd like outlook from y'all on my viewpoints... you know, generate some discussion and stuff!! So I figured, what the hell, lemme give blogging a try!!

Back to what has been going on as of late... Last Thursday's incident at Fort Hood hit me hard... Especially since I'm pursuing an Army contract myself. I was just saddened by the fact that someone would attack the very people who are fighting for our country and it's ideals, and the fact it was a soldier shooting his buddies seems so foreign to me it was hard to take. The fact that someone would shoot innocent and unarmed (just to clarify... Very few troops on base actually walk around with rifles... They were unarmed.) bystanders... It's just insane that this event has so many different layers of disappointment for me.

Today I was on the world's most reliable news source, Fox News... :D And I read an article on how Major Hasan (the shooter), proclaimed by his family, a few people who know him, and a few radical religious figures to be one of staunch Muslim faith, frequented strip clubs right outside of Fort Hood. Obviously, it isn't that this little factoid that upsets me more than his shooting his colleagues and fellow soldiers in cold blood... No, what really saddened me, and was brought to my mind by this article is how some people such as this Major Hasan claim to be extremely religious, a fervent follower of it's values, and yet go around to places such as the ones mentioned earlier and find it necessary to kill others in the name (because we know any god is in complete support of people killing other people in cold blood!) of his religion. And I'm not raggin' on Muslims, there are plenty... PLENTY of examples of people like this in every religion. But I'm focusing on him because it ties into my next point. If you have people running around committing these awful acts of violence in the name of their religion, it just gives a bad name to the other followers.

This makes up a great deal of why this whole incident has saddened me. It is just another example of a so-called "strong follower" of the Muslim religion running around killing people ruining how many people look at the religion. As a matter of fact, I read an article a few days ago on how some of the leaders in the U.S. military are worried about backlash against Muslim followers in our great nation's many fighting forces. I have had the privilege of moving around the world multiple times, and over half of my life has been spent in Muslim countries. I've known too many awesome people who follow the Muslim faith, and I've been around the block enough times to know that the majority of the Muslim world would (and does) denounce actions such as the ones taken by Major Hasan. The fact however, that many people bunch the religion and many of it's followers under the same group as the likes of terrorists and others who commit such atrocious acts ticks me off big time. And to hear that people are going to take their anger out on other soldiers, those who signed themselves up to stand in the same very dangers as their battle brothers around them, SIMPLY because they follow a certain faith is ridiculous. I just don't understand how it's possible to do such a thing. I dunno, this issue has been bothering me a lot, especially since moving back to the States where I've experienced an instance of this kind of bashing, and I wanted to get this off of my chest....

So how's that for a first post?? I'm really excited about this, and I look forward to sharing more conversations and life stories with y'all!! And to those of y'all who read through this entire thing, I appreciate it!! I know that Politics isn't everyone's cup of tea... But who knows, maybe I stirred a bit of interest in y'all... We'll see what it's like for y'all to leave comments, I'm hoping y'all don't need to actually make a blog of your own to do so!! :D

Until my next post... Y'all take care of yourselves, and if we haven't talked in a while hit me up!!! I know I haven't been very good about keeping track of all my past friends and acquaintances, but I promise if y'all say howdy here, I'll get back to ya!!

--Dieu defend le droit


Anonymous said...

Hey... To leave a comment, just type in what you have to say and then choose anonymous below... make sure to let me know who I'm talking to though!!! :D

Bush said...

I said I would disagree with everything you said. On an article such as this, I can't... Way to ruin it for me. On another note, good article. Keep it up bud.

Austin Y said...

Oh how I have missed the howdies of Neal Spencer. Welcome to the blogosphere, friend! Do you have Twitter?

Anonymous said...

Def. agree with this post. People are always committing atrocities int he name of religion.

Being a Muslim, and seeing stuff like this happen i'm thinking what the &*^$^&^*(.

All religion is open to interpretation, and some people just plain interpret it wrong. Like Mr. Diamond used to tell us, there IS a right and wrong way to interpret literature. That being said, people committing acts of violence in the name of my religion reflects badly upon me and the religion I follow.

What this guy did was disgusting and he should have died, because he doesn't deserve to breathe the air we all breathe. That being said, our media has such a bias. There are people of non-muslim faiths who commit murders, etc int he name of their religion and are called alleged shooters or whatever. Its sad that any Muslim who commits an act of racism is considered a terrorist. How much longer can we continue to marginalize and victimize 25% of the worlds population?

Its time to level the playing field and not selectively label people.

Good post though man. Sorry for my long rant.