Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Ladies and gents,

It's that time of week again... Ie. BREAKAWAY TIME!!! Standby for a post afterwards talking about how my mind has been blown yet again by Ben and by the power of our GREAT God.

Just as a side note, today was the best day of hockey I've had yet... I was rockin' that practice....

Brother of mine... If you read this, watch yourself. I'm coming for ya, and that goal won't be able to sit still because of the pucks I'll be puttin' in it behind ya!! :D

It's happening in the near future... A showdown of EPIC proportions....
(both of us having the number 80 is pure coincidence... Funny that...)

Life is still good, and my friends and family are still awesome!! Have I mentioned God is still great??

Keep it real y'all, God bless...

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