Monday, October 25, 2010

Psalm 34:10

"The lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing"

I was having a terrible day... And an ESPECIALLY terrible evening... I was frustrated, ticked off, and just all around miserable...

And then, I have no idea how... But my best friend from Haiti somehow found me on facebook... And we had ourselves an hour long conversation in French and English... Caught up, joked around, and all that sort of good stuff....

God is so great... I'm going to bed a happy man... How awesome is God???

Patrick and I... He somehow found me on facebook... How great God is!

I can't get over how great it is that God sees you down and provides a little bit of relief every so often... He never stops providing for me!! :D

I'll catch y'all up soon... It's been a terrible few days for me.. (from a work standpoint... This past weekend was actually pretty fun...)

Keep it real... God bless... Dieu vous benisse!!

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